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To become a player, coach, manager, member, etc of the Griffith Blacks Rugby Club please follow the steps below in the Rugby Xplorer link at the bottom...
Sign in if you already have a Rugby ID otherwise create a new Rugby ID when prompted
Click 'Register'
Click 'Play Rugby'
Select who you would like to register, click 'Continue'
Enter Griffith RUFC
Select 'Griffith RUFC' and click 'Next'
Complete the following in 'Registration Type';
Select which type of role 'Player/Manager/Volunteer/Coach/Match-Official/Social Member'
Select from type 'XVs'
Select which type of duration 'Season/Monthly/Weekly' (*NOTE - only players can select one of the three options, all others are Seasonal)
Click 'Next'
Follow the next few step as instructed on the screen (personal details, etc)
You'll come to 'Registration Summary' outlining your required fee
Agree to the 'Terms and Conditions'
Click on 'Pay'
Select your payment option - 'Credit Card' or 'Zip' and enter relevant details
Click 'Make Payment'
Click 'Finish'
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